Fall Folk School Registration is Open.
August 11, 2023
2024 Summer Staff application now available.
September 11, 2023As school starts back and we shift gears toward fall here at Camp Mikell, we look back at another great summer at camp. Running from mid-May to the end of July, we had 623 campers come through our gates for a week of friends, fellowship, and fun.
Summer Camp Director Anna Dinwiddie works with a group of 19 college-aged Summer Staff members who help create that Mikell Magic for every camper. In addition to the Summer Staff, we had 120 counselors and super counselors, 46 deans, and 7 medical professionals who helped make this summer happen.
When most people think of summer camp they think of swimming in the pool, playing games in the field, doing art activities, or performing at Skit Night. While all of that — and more — happens at Camp Mikell, what brings campers back year after year is the community that is formed. For many people Mikell is the first place that welcomes them exactly how they are and is a safe landing place after a year of challenges or uncertainty. The people that come through the gates of Camp Mikell often find lifelong friends, passions, and callings.
There are many ways to measure the success of Camp Mikell: the number of campers each year, how many projects get done at Work Camp, how many scholarships are given out, or even how many candy bars are eaten at canteen. But, the true measure of success is impossible to count. It is in the campers that go home more confident than before; the teenager who now goes out of their way at school to be kind to people; the people who find a calling of being a priest, teacher, or other leader serving in their community; and many, many more.
Camp Mikell changed lives this summer, and we look forward to seeing Mikell Magic spreading into the world.