Have questions about Camp Mikell and what your child's experience might be like?

Our Frequently Asked Questions section should be able to answer a lot of them. Still have questions? Please contact Amanda Price at amanda@campmikell.com

Camp Leadership

Category: Camp Leadership

At Camp Mikell, your children will be supervised 24 hours a day by either our summer staff, counselors, or both. The vast majority of the summer staff and counselors grew up at Mikell during their summers. They know what is expected of them. All of the staff and counselors go through a screening process and extensive training and are supervised constantly by the director.If your child becomes sick or injured, the camp nurse will take care of your child in our health center.

If an issue arises in which the staff or counselors do not feel comfortable about a situation or if they need help, the Director is on site and available to assist in any situation.

Category: Camp Leadership

The Deans are either priests or Christian educators who volunteer their time and talents for a week at Mikell. They plan a program that is age-appropriate ahead of time, usually with a staff of other volunteers that they have assembled. This program sets the tone for the week and campers address issues at an age-appropriate level.

Each spring, the Mikell Director meets with the Deans and we come up with a theme for the summer. Deans can either follow this theme or come up with one of their own. Art activities, skits, small group discussions, videos, talks, etc. are all ways that the deans get their message across.

Even though Mikell is a Christian camp operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, we are open and inclusive to all denominations and religions. Each summer we have a wide variety of campers from different backgrounds. All are welcome at Mikell!